Blau's Blog

Personal website / blog covering furry, gaming, Second Life, computers, etc


I write things you can read! If you want to!

KZK Kritter Kobold, now available for VRC!

Categories: [Kinzart Kreetures]

Poster for the KZK Kritter Kobold showing 3 canine style kobolds standing together, one black, one yellow, one white, against a purple space background
Hmm, this 3 Wolf Moon looks different than I remember

Like it says on the tin! The KZK Kritter Kobold is now available for VRChat (or Resonite, or anything else you can stick a VRC avatar into)! You can pick it up on Gumroad and Itch. Public demos are linked in the store pages, and are also av...

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So what's Blau doing? 10/22

Categories: [Blau Chatter], [Kinzart Kreetures]

This post has been copied over from my old blog.

I have a bad habit (sort of? more of a brain thing) where I completely forget what I've done over the past week or so. It all just kinda blends together. But! I have been up to stuff, and figured I'd round everything up into one post.

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